
Asphalt Sealcoating: Application Tips To Remember

To extend the lifespan of asphalt surfaces, one thing you can do is apply a sealcoat to them. This gives asphalt added protection from the elements, such as water and the sun. If you plan to apply a sealcoat yourself, here are some helpful protocols to follow. Thoroughly Clean Asphalt First In order for a sealcoat to stick to asphalt and thus hold up for a long time, the surface needs to be clean.

5 Things To Consider When Chosing Employees For LOTO Training

If you're like owners or managers of manufacturing, food processing, automotive, or other businesses where employees routinely work with hazardous equipment and/or materials, you undoubtedly already know that having a good lockout procedure is essential for the health and safety of your employees — and it's also required per OSHA regulations. However, if you're like many employers, you may also struggle with choosing which employees are best suited for lockout training.

Reasons To Consider Having A Custom Patio Shade Installed

You have probably seen patios with custom patio shades in the past. However, you might have never gotten to the point where you wanted one for your own home patio. Of course, if you are not familiar with just how beneficial they can be, you might not see the urgency in getting something like this installed. To help you determine whether you and your loved ones could enjoy a patio shade, you will want to continue reading.

Why Some Governments Incentivize Commercial Abatement Projects

There is nothing like a newly renovated commercial building. Customers feel safer when a building is in better condition and you'll be able to improve the reputation of your business. If you participate in a commercial abatement program, you'll also be able to receive an exemption from your property taxes for several years. Abatement Program Options The abatement program is for commercial improvements. You might choose to construct a new building, rehabilitate an existing building, or add an addition to an existing building.

The 4 Stages Of Demolishing A Commercial Building

Demolishing a commercial structure is a process that requires as much attention as it took to build it. Commercial demolition services companies aim to conduct their work in defined stages. Building owners and other stakeholders should be aware of what these stages are. Planning The first step is to plan for the coming challenges. Working with a team of commercial demolition contractors, you'll need to assess what the structure of the building is like.

Pole Barn Builders: What To Know If You Want To Put A Barn On Your New Land

If you have purchased a large amount of land and you aren't ready to build a home but need to have a shelter so you can store lawn equipment or other things, look into pole barn building. There are many advantages to having a pole barn on the land, and you can customize it to look however you want. You can do something as simple as a foundation and barn with walls and a roof, or invest in something more elaborate with a bathroom, second-story living area, and sport court floors.

An Overview Of Common Hardware Used In Construction

Homeowners must work with contractors to decide the seemingly small details regarding hardware during the planning stages of a construction project or risk an unattractive or incohesive design. Learn more about your options when it comes to the hardware used in construction below. What Hardware is Used in Construction? Hardware refers to the tools and gadgets used to complete construction projects. General hardware used in construction includes (but is not limited to):

3 Reasons Why You May Want A Commercial Contractor To Build An Addition For Your Building

If you own a business property and your business is outgrowing the building you are in, then you have some serious choices to make regarding your business. You could sell or rent out that property to another business and relocate yours to another location. Or, you can work with a commercial contractor to build additional space in your building to turn it into a space that works great for your current and future needs.

Want A Concrete Garden Path? Preparation Is Vital

If you want to make your garden beds more accessible, adding a concrete path is often a good idea. A smooth path makes it easy for those with mobility issues to move through the garden and see all the plants you've added and are caring for. But adding a concrete path isn't that easy. It's simple, but you need to prepare the area and have a good idea of what the soil is like, including how stable it tends to be.

Want To Build A Home But Worry About Materials And Cost? Find A Custom Home Builder

The home-building process can be a great experience and an easy way to get a high-quality home if you choose the right custom builder. If you are looking to start the building process but haven't picked a builder yet, there are a few things to do. Custom builders who do great work may have a bit of a wait and have a contractor fee higher than track builders who put up large subdivisions quickly.